Umpiring still sucks,at least when Hazard was pres., their was 2 umps in 2nd,3rd, and final rounds for playoffs,guys need too step up and start bitching!
Anonymous wrote: Umpiring still sucks,at least when Hazard was pres., their was 2 umps in 2nd,3rd, and final rounds for playoffs,guys need too step up and start bitching!
From where I was watching the games it seems that for the Brant/North Evans game if the holding penalty on the rt. guard was called and the offensive pass interference was called it might have made a difference! As for Woodlawn/Lake Shore contest if the ump would have hit one of his classic line drive base hits to right center Woodlawn would be all smiles. Finally, if the ump would have sent the runner on first with one or two outs who knows what would have occured, but at least there would have been an opportunity to steal a run! I am looking forward to the next round.
Anonymous wrote: Umpiring still sucks,at least when Hazard was pres., their was 2 umps in 2nd,3rd, and final rounds for playoffs,guys need too step up and start bitching!
I did not know that Al Hazard was spelled A-n-o-n-y-m-o-u-s