Only 3 teams showed up Woodlawn Brant North Collins North Evans team called to be excused due to their company meeting
Elections will be held at the next league meeting Tuesday January 15th at Woodlawn I will email out reminders
Officers present President Jim Kittner V Pres Pat McAnaney Treas Rick Dimphil
Rick gave a Treasurer report and the league is in good shape money wise.
we will be looking at a 7 dollar lottery ticket next year with 2 numbers on it so there would be only 500 tickets total to sell instead of a thousand.
Looking at reducing league fees to $150 and the teams paying the umpires instead of getting it from the league. League fees are now 375 i think.
Championship game only cost 250 dollars out of league money thanks to donations by Woodlawn.
Rick will put an ad in the Fire Fighter newspaper looking for more teams. Also Tater asked if we would consider Gowanda in our league and we told him yes. He will contact them.
We will see increases in umpire fees in the south towns umpires. The Gowanda umps will be paid the same.
Talked about letting some teams combine to get more teams back into the league.
Time line for next Year Tuesday January 15th we will have our elections At Woodlawn 7pm Thursday March 26th league fees due. We need this commitment so we can make a schedule April 23rd Last meeting before we start the season Rosters are due Championship game is scheduled for Saturday Aug. 15th at Woodlawn