are they in or out? if someone call post something or give me a call.
Pat 583-8834
I heard they are jumping ship like Big Tree and joining the short bus league on Monday nights. Just joking about LEB, good bunch of guys with too much class to be quitters and throw out tradition like Big Tree, Winchester and Union. I really dont know what they are doing. Losing East Seneca hits hard, we have had many, too many, classic battles with those guys. During the games we are enemies, but the respect Brant has for that team is enormous. I will keep my opinion to myself on them leaving the league due to the circumstances, but I will personally miss the likes of Norm, Rusty and the rest. Alot of tradition here Big Red, you will never get that in Cheektowaga. Best of luck.
dont call big tree quitters unless you know what happened at our meeting on what to do. a lot of us wanted to stay in this league. i may be young but i have been around this league since i can remember because my father played in it, myself, eddie hughes, jeff hosie, dan anzalone and some others all wanted to stay in the league but we have a bunch of people who are getting sick of being pounded into the ground every week. dont get me wrong i have fun doing it..against most tems...brant is one of them, they are fun to play against but when your young people vote to leave the league, and you lose players for thursdays because they have kids who play ball on thursdays ( i know thats hard for some teams to understand, that family comes first) we just couldnt do it. we struggle to get 9 guys as it is now, toss out 4 guys because of their kids playing and we got nothing
dont call big tree quitters unless you know what happened at our meeting on what to do. a lot of us wanted to stay in this league. i may be young but i have been around this league since i can remember because my father played in it, myself, eddie hughes, jeff hosie, dan anzalone and some others all wanted to stay in the league but we have a bunch of people who are getting sick of being pounded into the ground every week. dont get me wrong i have fun doing it..against most tems...brant is one of them, they are fun to play against but when your young people vote to leave the league, and you lose players for thursdays because they have kids who play ball on thursdays ( i know thats hard for some teams to understand, that family comes first) we just couldnt do it. we struggle to get 9 guys as it is now, toss out 4 guys because of their kids playing and we got nothing
I do understand where BT is coming from. Its a struggle on our end also. I have two young kids myself and sometimes its hard but I feel its important. This league was built on the volunteers and tradition. It may be a struggle but it means alot . I apologize if I offended you. I didnt mean too. I just hate to see this league losing so many quality teams. Brant went through the days where we got pounded, but we are still here and enjoying this league.
ok, but dont call us quitters if our problem is fielding a team on thursday nights....whats the point in being in a league of your going to forfiet more games then you play
Did anybody bother to call LEB's rep and ask him or was it like the meeting minutes that weren't posted or the lottery tickets it took forever to pay?
we still need a secretary if you want to step up and do it. or would you rather just wine about everything. the lottery tickets were leb fault. If they would of turned the stub in it would have been paid right away. Also if you want the treasurers job just ask.
Give me a break, you call it whining about everything with 7 posts only. What the season ending meeting minutes? I guess it is true that only certain people can talk smack in this message board. Sure I'll do both jobs, but don't you have to be on a team in the league to hold office.
Give me a break, you call it whining about everything with 7 posts only. What the season ending meeting minutes? I guess it is true that only certain people can talk smack in this message board. Sure I'll do both jobs, but don't you have to be on a team in the league to hold office.
1 post, 7 posts, 100 posts, if you complain in every single one = whining. This is a "volunteer" organization, step up and then others can complain about you too.