There will be a league meeting on Tuesday Febuary 12th 7:30pm at Woodlawn. If you are a director please be there by 7pm Notices will be sent out to your managers. We really need a represenitive from each team at this meeting.
Woodlawn,OP,North Collins,Highland,Reserve,East Seneca, and Winchester were present at the meeting with Brant,North Evans, and Scranton letting us know that they could not make it but are going to play next year. Here are some things that did come up. If you have any questions call me. Pat McAnaney Woodlawn 583-8834
1 East Seneca is not sure if they are playing this year. They were told to make up their mind buy next meeting so the schedules could get made.
2 Next meeting will be Thursday March 6th at woodlawn
3 We still need to elect a secretary
4 East Seneca will not be charged a forfit fee for the championship game
5 All teams MUST send a representative to the next meeting. We need to know who will be playing this season. Also a letter will be sent to the Cheektowaga,Elma,and East Aurora Fire companys since they have some interest.
6 We all agreed on using the same balls as last year and Pat from woodlawn will get them ordered.
7 We talked about a 7 dollar lottery ticket but decided to leave it at 5 dollars.
8 League fees will be 400 dollars for all teams except the Hamburg teams since the town helps fund this for us.
9 Jim Kittner will be the umpire liason for the southtowns umps and Tom leaderhouse will be the liason for the gowanda umps. The Gowanda umps want an increase from 40 to 42 dollars. Jim kittner will look into weather we could reduce the number of games that Gowanda does.
10 Season will start on May 1st and end on Aug.16th
11 If anyone has any days that they cannot play they have to be in at the next meeting.