Would someone from North Evans check your field and tell me if it's underwater. Highland is trying to claim it's un-playable. The league better not listen to any of Highlands bull#$$@ and make us play down the road. Apparently they called us yesterday trying to cancel because of the Sabres. Hey Highland, a few things while you contemplate your forfiet:
#1) We all want the Sabres to win, but a forfiet loss to watch the game....really! #2) No matter if you watch the whole game or not, you will not make a difference in the outcome. #3) Our field is playable and we have plenty of TV's. AND #4) 5 innings only takes 45 minutes, therefore you would only miss about a half hour of the Sabres game.
I just stopped over at Highlands field. There is a 30x30 tent up on the field, big screen tv and the kegs are still cold. I did see a puddle of suds around 1b. That might have been the pee spot. Should have ,Played Ball !!!!!! I say play it later.
Thats funny John. Hey Highland aren't you glad you stayed home to watch that game and see the Sabres potent power play in action? I've got a trivia question for you.
What does Highland and the Sabres have in common Thursday night?
First of all Aaron nobody said the field was underwater. It was simply unplayable due to it being rototilled up to be releveled. And I would hope that someone from N Evans would back me on this. And for the record we didnt cancel to watch the hockey game. Ernie you bit**ed that people take off of work for these games and you cant just cancel, well i understand that cause I have guys of my own that work saturday to play ball on thursday, so therefore i am sorry for those guys that didnt get to play ball that night. We were willing to replay this game but now that Aaron had to run his mouth on here we dont want to play you anymore. Sorry that Aaron ruined it for the guys that just wanted to play to get there stats up. And Aaron from us guys here at Highland, we thank you personally for running your mouth cause now we dont have to take our usual a** whooping from Woodlawn. So Highland is officialy forfeiting this game and the league wont have to listen to any of Highlands bull#$$@ as Aaron called it. Good luck the rest of the season Woodlawn, and maybe we will see you next year !!!!
P.S.----Hey John, Thanks for letting us borrow the tent, it worked out real nice, you can pick it up at firemans park whenever you want!!!
Give me a break Tommy. No one from Woodlawn gives a damn about patting our stats against Highland or any other team. We just want to play ball. We only have 15 to 18 chances to play each year and it sucks when teams forfiet..... no matter what the reason is.
You can put the spin on it ant way you want Tommy and claim your injustice because of me and thats fine. I'll let Ernie deal with the fact that you had guys working. He told us it was because of the Sabres game, not that it really matters. That's when I responded with my post about the game.
I'm just glad teams like Farnham who beat us in the past and Angola who lost to us by one run before show up and give Woodlawn the ass whipping. I'd rather lose to you than get a forfiet win out of you any day.
You want to play us that badly call Ernie and I'm sure we'd be more than willing to give up our forfiet and work something out.
Was the game cancelled because the field was being rototilled or was it because you had guys working? I'm having a hard time figuring out what the reason was. Remember we did offer to play at our place.
The game was cancelled cause the field wasnt done. All i was saying about the working part is that I also have guys that schedule work around ball, that didnt get to play that night either!!